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Showing Up With Our Best Self During Remote Learning

Each of us is doing the best we know how under some unusual and challenging circumstances. In the midst of these circumstances, I am repeatedly humbled by the genuine kindness and effort by our community.  My experiences with this community fortifies and inspires me. In the spirit of acknowledging our collective experience and celebrating the strength of this community, I wanted to share some of things that I am doing to help me show up as my best self these days:

  • Gratitude is one of my “go to’s” in times of stress. Right now I am grateful for the spring sun, living in a place where I can walk on dirt trails, the health of my children and this community.
  • Helping others is something I love to do. This video from a Boulder resident reminded me of all the good that is going on around me:
  • Normalize my experience: Brenee Brown’s new podcast, Unlocking Us has been helpful to putting my experience into context and reminding me that my response is a very human one.
  • Increase my knowledge by being a critical consumer of information.  This chat by an ICU doctor in New York City was incredibly informative and empowering to me.
  • Focus my energies on the things I can control. A good friend once told me we feel overwhelmed when we feel responsible for people or situations that are outside of our ability to affect.  This advice has served me well. Right now, my energies are focused on fostering connection and engagement in this community and helping to deliver the best continuous experience that we can under the circumstances.
  • ​Humor is a powerful salve for the soul. From comedy clips to pictures to memes, I relish the bits of humor that friends have shared. This recent one rang a little too true but made me smile just the same.

I look forward to hearing what you find to be fortifying, inspiring or helpful these days.

– Nina