Watch Our Seedlings Grow!


“A school garden is a tremendous valuable tool to help young people turn book knowledge into real experience.”
-Mike Metallo, President, National Gardening Association

SubstandardFullSizeRender-5With all the recent snow, it’s hard to imagine lush, green gardens, but here at Bixby, we are off to a great start! Our downstairs tutoring room has been transformed into an indoor greenhouse, complete with grow lights.

IMG_3779My gardening elective class has started several flats of seedlings. They have been amazed to watch their hard work blossom and grow. They have learned to practice proper gardening procedure and the correct depths of planting seeds, learned different watering techniques, as well as how to transplant seedling. Thanks to Garrett’s worm farm, we have been utilizing worm castings also. We are currently growing four different varieties of tomatoes, two different varieties of peppers, as well as lupine and pansy flowers.

Outside, we have kale sprouting, in our home-made “hot house”. In the front garden, the garlic and spinach are growing nicely. Hopefully the kitchen will be serving own fresh produce before the end of the school year!!

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Keep your ears open for news of our upcoming plant sale, where we are planning on selling our extra plants! It’s a joy to watch how excited the students get about growing vegetables!!

We are always in need of small containers for seedlings, please share if you have extras.